Plus: His War is Longer Than Your War.
Boot doesn't use the e-word
this time,
but the military he wants is designed
to be a colonial occupation force, complete with - not a joke - Gurkha mercenaries.
He makes this clear by adopting the Pentagon's rhetorical linkage of
counterterrorism with "counterinsurgency and stabilization and reconstruction
operations", which are things you only need when forcibly occupying countries not
your own. And he makes it obvious by calling for "more boots on the ground", by
which he means not additional armchair warriors but more occupation-ready ground
But mostly, you gotta love Boot's marketing of the Long
War, the new improved moniker for the conflict formerly known as the Global War on
Terror. We don't need no specific enemies anymore, the war has gone generic. We
are now always at war with just about everyone. Give the concept a little time to
sink in, unopposed, and soon it will have always been thus.
See Also: Kevin Drum who, presumably, is just
happy to see Max Boot criticizing the administration
and is not actually endorsing Boot's endorsement of the Pentagon's proposed perpetual
war against manufactured enemies. With or without the Gurkhas.