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See Safire Lie
"We sent you a message yesterday to clean out all of the areas. . . . Make sure there is nothing there. . . . After you have carried out what is contained in this message, destroy the message. . ."The destruction of evidence, the cover-up is 'Irrefutable and Undeniable', writes Safire in today's NY Times. But compare Safire's above quote to Powell's original transcript: HQ: There is a directive of the (Republican) Guard Chief of Staff at the conference today ...First note the strategic omission: you wouldn't know from Safire's quote that the field officer is ordered to see if "by chance" any forbidden ammo is left over in "the scrap areas and the abandoned areas". Sure sounds a lot less sinister than Safire's truncated rendition, doesn't it? But it gets worse. The first two segments of Safire's quote are not even present in Powell's version - Safire improves on the original transcript by changing "inspect the scrap areas..." to "clean out all of the areas... Make sure there is nothing there". He then proceeds to build on the misquotation, by specifically asserting that it proves Iraq is engaging in destruction of evidence and cover up. An honest journalist would not do that. This is not the first time that Safire's depiction of events has diverged from reality. To pick a recent example, last month he wrote about a scandal surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharon had secretly received $1.5 million in campaign funding, funneled through Sharon's sons, from an old friend named Cyril Kern. The British-born Kern is a South African citizen who lives in Cape Town, where he owns and manages a huge furniture, textile and beadwork business. For that reason, Israel's Attorney General had asked the South African Justice Ministry for help with the investigation. Safire defended his old friend Sharon from the charges in the column, and in the process he misleadingly identified Cyril Kern as a "British businessman". Perhaps it's a coincidental error, but Safire is a careful writer. And it is rather obvious that in an American audience, the story of a "British businessman" helping out Sharon would strike a somewhat more sympathetic chord than would the same story with a "South African businessman". A subtle distortion, perhaps, but telling of Safire's practice to deceive.
Their 16-day mission held the promise of answering scientific problems that elude us here on Earth. Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments from some of our students in America. I hope these children, our future scientists, will continue to ask questions, continue to explore, continue to discover.The above snippet is from a CNN transcript. The official White House version of the first paragraph is even more amusing. Unmentioned in Bush's speech was the fact that in addition to "experiments from some of our students in America", Columbia had carried experiments contributed by students from Australia, China, Israel, Japan and Liechtenstein as part of NASA's education mission.
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