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Giving Iraqis a Stake
CNN: We're Fair And Balanced Too! On CNN Crossfire today, the following exchange took place between Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala: CARLSON: ...In an interview with Wolf Blitzer Dean said - and we are not making this up - "members of Hamas are soldiers" in the war in the Middle East. So, members of Hamas are soldiers. That's the headline. This was news to the State Department, which classified members of Hamas as terrorists. It might also come as a surprise to the families of the many Israeli children murdered on city buses by those soldiers of Hamas. Maybe Dr. Dean can explain further what he means, we cannot wait to hear it.Carlson, of course, uses his silver forked tongue very effectively on behalf of his cause. But as to champion of the left Paul Begala - oy. This boy does not do his homework.
CNN must think that increasing the number of falsehoods per minute will help it catch up with Fox in the ratings. They really don't seem to get this whole personality thing. Update: Here's the Crossfire transcript. The original Wolf Blitzer interview with Howard Dean is mysteriously missing from this transcript.
Fox News: Howard Dean is worse than France! Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron delivered a story about Howard Dean today on Shepard Smith's Fox Report. Here is the money shot: ...Dean insists that he does back U.S. policy supporting Israel, but his last statements about the Hamas terror group raise new questions. Wednesday in an interview, Dean said "there is a war going on in the Middle East, and members of Hamas are soldiers in that war." Now Dean did condemn terrorism but his description of Hamas as "soldiers in a war" conflicts completely with U.S. policy, which lists Hamas as a terrorist group. That's a designation of Hamas that the European Union even approved just last week.And the oleaginous Cameron drove home his point with a graphic:
Leaves the distinct impression that Howard Dean would grant Hamas fighters the status of legitimate soldiers, doesn't it? And even the Europeans have declared Hamas a terrorist organization! Could Dean be more pro-terrorist than (gasp!) the French? Not so fast, Sherlock. Let's check the actual CNN report: Asked if he would oppose the Israeli policy of selectively killing leaders of Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups, Dean said, "I think no one likes to see violence of any kind." Howard Dean probably shouldn't stoop to the level of responding to Fox News, but maybe CNN could take them on for disfiguring their original reporting beyond recognition. Fair and Balanced Bonus: Fox News Foreign Affairs Analyst Mansoor Ijaz explains to Brit Hume why Democratic candidates who disaffirm a link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 are all wet. Update: Carl Cameron's tall tale about Dean also appears in this Fox News article.
Lieberman Looks Ahead
Shorter concept originated by Daniel Davies.
Baudelaire's Bird
Whatever It Takes
Sadly, no provides a Shorter meta-take on Brook's inaugural New York Times column, while uggabugga has an interesting juxtaposition. Plus: Brad DeLong is not impressed, CalPundit takes note and Digby dissects the dada of bobo.
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